What a month January has been. It has good by so fast. We have loved our newest edition to the family, little Biscuit! Even though we had a slight accident just a mere 4 days after Santa brought him to us. He had to have a cast on his leg for 10 days, because one of our dear children was holding him by his front 2 legs...this is what they told us, after we saw him limping. There was a little bone that was broken on his leg. It was so sad seeing him for the first little bit, because he was trying to walk, but could only go backwards. After he got the cast off, he was as good as new and we haven't had a problem since.
In other news we had a little bit of drama with this pregnancy. Trish was having the kids over for a sleepover, so we took them to her house Friday, January 21! I was so excited because David and I were going to go out to eat and then go home to a nice and quiet house! Well on the way home from Pleasant Grove I started having contractions about 4 minutes apart. I didn't tell David for a little bit because I really wanted to go out to eat and get some good food!:) Then he started to notice and so I told him that it was probably because I had to go to the bathroom, but they continued, until we got home and laid down for a couple of hours. Then David put me on strict bed rest all day Saturday. On Sunday it was our stake conference, so we went. About an hour into church I started having contractions again, only this time they were 2 minutes apart! David looked over and saw the pain in my face and so we left early. After a couple more hours and a nice warm bath, they finally slowed down. I went to my doctor on Tuesday and he said that since I am getting the progesterone shots, that is one of the side effects, very strong and close contractions. He said that as long as I didn't have more than 6 in one hour and didn't have any of the other signs of labor with it, I should be fine but to take it easy and know my limits! I also didn't dilate at all, which is awesome! So I guess those weekly shots really are paying off! I am now 28 weeks, so just a couple more months to go!! I am just lucky to have such a great husband, who forces me each day to lay down and take it easy. He even takes the kids to the stores and other places, so that I can have to house to myself and to let the kids get out of this house! He is amazing and I am so grateful to how good he is to me!!
Other than that January has been pretty uneventful and we hope we can say the same for February!!