What a hard month to take pictures of her. I can’t believe next month Elizabeth will be a year old! I am so excited! She just gets cuter and cuter everyday. She still loves growling, saying hi, waving to everyone, and saying ow. She will just sit there and repeat, “Owww! Owww.” over and over again. She can cruise like a pro and has taken a step here and there on her own, but I think it will be a few more weeks before she is walking. She is not a fan of diaper changes and just rolls around until you are done. She is doing much better at sleeping at night (knock on wood) and still loves to nap a couple of times a day. She loves playing with her brothers and sister and just can’t get enough wrestling from all of them. She likes to scream, when she is not getting attention. She loves to feed herself and usually only lets us feed her, if she is desperate and you have to go pretty fast, before she realizes what is going on. She is much better around other people beside David and me and doesn’t cry the whole time that we are gone with left with a baby-sitter or aunt and uncle. She loves to go on walks, ride in the car, and go to the store. She is just an amazing baby and we love having her. I can’t wait to celebrate her first birthday next month and see what she learns by then!
Friday, February 28, 2014
11 months
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Blue and Gold Banquet
David had his first Blue and Gold Banquet this month. He has been in Boy Scouts for about 2 months now and just loves it. He has already learned a ton from it. He earned his first badge at the banquet and has been working hard on earning more. He is a very dedicated little guy. We are so proud of how much David does.
Friday, February 21, 2014
10 Months
Where does the time go?? Lizzy is 10 months old and as adorable as ever. She says so many words and loves to growl. She can cruise everywhere and can even let go and stand on her own for a little bit. She has her top teeth coming in and has been a little more cranky than usual, but still a happy baby most days. She loves wrestling so much and anytime that Biscuit or Parker are on the ground she will go and jump on them before they even have time to think. It is hilarious. Her and Biscuit always love fighting over toys and playing tug of war. She is not the best sleeper and night and I might say that she is the hardest baby I have had to sleep train. The other kids it only took a few rough nights of crying and they were good, but not Elizabeth. She is putting up a really good fight and somehow I am just not as motivated as I was with the other kids. I would guess it is because she is so good during the day, that I figure she just wants some alone time with me at night without all the other kids grabbing at her. She is a sweet girl and we just love seeing her grow and learn so much each day. She is still a momma’s girl mostly, but luckily she will allow others to watch her as long as I am not in sight or sound! Can’t wait to celebrate her birthday in March and am having a hard time wrapping my hands around her being one! Here’s to another month with our little Lizzy!
Snow Tubing in Midway
David’s work treated everyone to a great time snow tubing at Soldier Hollow in Midway. It was a lot of fun. Sadly David had to work later that expected with a major problem and so we only had about an hour to go down. The kids absolutely loved it! I think Parker enjoyed it the most. He loved going up the hill and David said he just kept saying, “weeee!” It was so cute. Lizzy and I stayed down and just watch all the fun. I pulled her around in a little tube and she enjoyed that, but it was snowing and so I wanted to get her out of it for most of the time. After that we had some Mexican food and chatted with some of David’s work people. It was a fun night and the kids had an incredible time.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
David’s Birthday
David’s birthday is December 28th. Poor guy, Biscuit was still missing and I was still depressed about that and I was spent from Christmas and the other birthdays. Luckily he is very easy to please and is happy to do whatever we have planned for him. So we just got some pizzas and cake and he opened presents and just had a day of doing whatever he wanted. I got him a tool chest and Sherrie and Dave got him a new suit that is amazing and much needed. The picture above shows David’s dad with David’s piece of cake on his head! Such a prankster! The good news is that Dave has a great sense of humor. It was great to have so much family here for his birthday!
Maggie’s 6th Birthday
My poor Maggie. Her birthday is December 26. It is tough. She is usually not really wanting to do anything on her birthday, because the rest of the month is just so busy. This year she wanted to do a party and then she said she changed her mind and just wanted to get her ears pierced. So we went and got her ears pierced that morning of her birthday after having crepes for breakfast. She is the bravest little girl ever! She barely even flinched, when they pierced them. Not one tear was shed. She was so excited about being such a big girl. Then we went to McDonald’s and had lunch. (I know she is so demanding!) Then she wanted spaghetti for dinner. Could it have been an easier meal?!! With all the family that we had in town it was still quite the party. She requested carrot cake. She got lots of Barbie stuff and some great toys! We are planning on doing a post birthday party in the next few weeks. I needed to recover from December!
Maggie is such a great little girl. She loves to help everyone around her and is very mature for her age in so many ways. She loves babies and is always begging to play with her little sister or cousins. She is a great student and her teachers just love her and always say how cute and fun she is to be around. She is a great daughter and sister and we are so lucky to have her in our family!!
Lizzy 9 Months
So I may be a few weeks behind on posting this, but the important part is that I took the picture, right?! Lizzy is pulling up on things and can cruise a little. She loves saying “hi” and will just keep her mouth open wide while repeating it over and over again. So cute. She is still a pretty easy going baby girl. She sill only has her 2 bottom teeth in, but the top ones are so close and keep poking through. She loved her first Christmas and was excited about the presents. She isn’t eating nearly as much as usual, but I think that is due to the teeth. She is not sleeping good at night at all. She is up about every 2 hours. Sad for everyone. She had her 9 month check up and weighed about 19 pounds and 8 ounces (60th percentile), and is about 27 inches ( 45 percentile). She is healthy as can be for a baby! We love our little Elizabeth!