Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Love for Shoes and Animals!

David and Maggie have got to be the funniest kids ever! Everyday they do something that just cracks me up. Lately they have each been obsessed with different things. David has found a new love for stuffed animals. He has never shown any interest in them until about 2 months ago and ever since then, he has been inseparable from his animals. He has 3 dogs, a duck, an elephant, a bunny, a duck, and a panda. He feeds them, bathes them, watches shows with them, talks to them, and puts them to bed. It is the cutest thing ever. He just LOVES all of these animals. I love watching him with them. And then there is my little Maggie Pie, who has found a new love for shoes in the last couple of weeks. It is a rare occasion that she is not wearing shoes. As soon as she gets down stairs in the morning she runs to find her new pink crocks and runs them over to me saying, "shhhhhhhh, shhhhhhh." It is so cute. All of her shoes were getting way to small, so I went and got her some crocks and got home and showed her the new shoes. He eyes just got huge and she smiled and couldn't wait to put them on. Since them she has loved them! It is so cute watching her eyes light up at such a little thing. My kids really are just the cutest kids ever and I love their little imaginations.

1 comment:

Julie and KC said...

Your kids are so cute!! I know I love seeing what Kyla will do next. It keep my life interesting. Your video of Maggie's first years is such a good idea. She is so adorable. One of my cousins makes videos too. I should try one of these days.