Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What a Month!!

David and Maggie enjoying some ice cream cones! This was also the night that Maggie was at the table eating for about 45 minutes. She LOVES spaghetti and corn!!
My Little Climber!!
David and Gabby decorating Easter Cookies!!

David and Maggie have really been getting along pretty well these days. They even play together! They are sharing muffin in the top picture and then having a tea party in the bottom one!

Brother and sister!!

Maggie has found a love for hats these days. Doesn't she look so cute?!

What a month March was! It seems like our little family was sick for almost the whole month. I was able to go to Texas for my Granddad's funeral. I was gone from Tuesday to Sunday. It was my first time away from the kids. I missed them for sure, but it was relaxing just deciding to go to the store and not have to pack all the diapers, wipes, sippy cups, and everything else kids require. But I was happy to get home to see my little babies. I walked through the door and they heard me come in. They both came running down the stairs and jumped into my arms. It was nice to see I was missed! So I have been very behind with updated blogs, but here are some really cute pics of the kids. They really are some fun kids. They are both little talkers and it is a rare moment, when one of them isn't chatting my ears off. But I love how much they love to talk!


Julie and KC said...

Cute pictures!! I can't believe that Maggie ate dinner for that long. Amazing! That is so good she will eat veggies. I still can't get Kyla to eat a darn vegetable. She spits them right out. I have to be tricky and it's hard work! That is so fun David and Maggie are playing together too.

Bailey said...

Wow, Maggie's hair looks great in that top pic!! Hats......not such a bad idea for her:) Her hair has gotten long!