Thursday, September 8, 2011

David Starts Kindergarten

 The sun was in his eyes and he was very irritated by it!

 He was soooo excited to finally be at school!

After 2 months of waiting, David finally got to go to kindergarten! He was so excited! We got to the school and he just went running to the playground and started playing without  a second thought.  Not  even a goodbye to me.  So I called him back over and made him give me a hug goodbye.:)  Then we watched him walk into his class.  I got a little teary eyed watching him walk away, BUT the peaceful time at home helped!:) 
We went and picked him up and asked him how his day was and he replied, "Well, we didn't really do anything and we ran out of time, so we didn't get to play outside."  He seemed a little disappointed that he didn't get to do more stuff, but he was still pretty excited about it!  David is such an amazing kid.  I love how brave he is and how he has never met a stranger.  He has so much confidence and knows so much! I'm so proud of you David and your new adventure into kindergarten!

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