Sunday, October 20, 2013

BYU Game


So last year some friends of ours, the Johns, had their parents in town for Conference weekend and her dad is a huge BYU fan, but Alice-Anne and Gary don’t have the channel that the game is on, so they came over to our place to watch it.  This year was our second annual game night.Smile  Last year it was just Alice-Anne and her dad, but this year since the game started a little earlier we had the whole family over.  As most people know I take any excuse I can to make too much food for any get together, so I spent the day making Cheesecake tarts, Oreo Cheesecake Tarts, chick-fila chicken nuggets, coconut chicken, bacon wrapped chicken and marshmallow cupcakes…I think that was it.Smile  What can I say I love to bake and cook and especially for a crowd.  It was a fun night and the kids had a great night too.  They all play so well together and are just so cute to watch with each other.  The picture is of them all watching a movie in David and Parker’s room at the end of the night.  Maggie and their son Spencer are the same age and were both in our Co-op preschool last year and just a few days ago Maggie said to me, “Mom, aren’t you supposed to marry someone that is your best friend?”  I said, “yep!”  She then said, “Oh good, I think I will marry Spencer then!” I told her that would be a great choice, but wait a few more years just to be sure!Winking smile  We are so glad to have them as friends out here and they always help us not miss Arkansas as much and glad to have such great friends out here!

1 comment:

Alice-Anne said...

That was such a fun night! thanks for all you did!! And I love that about maggie wanting to marry her best friend. i'll have to pass that on to Gary. I think the feeling is mutual because Spencer never gets upset when Kenna and Co. make fun of him for liking Maggie!