Sunday, September 6, 2015

2015 First Day of School


Parker-Preschool. Maggie-2nd Grade. David-4th Grade.

Another school year has come.  I am always looking forward to the new school year by the time August gets here.  The kids still look forward to it too, which is great! They were starting a new school this year and were all excited to meet some new friends.  This year was hard, since I was on bed rest, I had to hand over all control to David…He did a great job. He took the kids to pick out a back to school outfit and get all the things they needed for their first day of school. We were planning on going to their open house to meet their teachers and see their classrooms, but I went into labor that Monday afternoon and had to go to the hospital again. I felt horrible not letting them go to the open house. Sad smile  Instead they went to Aunt Trish’s again. I was only at the hospital for a few hours. They were able to give me shots again to get the contractions to stop and then they sent me home with a prescription for some medicine to help me not go into preterm labor again. Fun times.  Parker had his first day at his new preschool on the same day. David took him in that day to meet his teacher and see his classroom. Parker was so thrilled to be able to go to school like the big kids! He rides the bus to and from school usually, but since it was the first day, Dad took him. I can’t believe he will be in kindergarten next year. That is ridiculous. They are growing too fast. Here’s to another school year and a new school! We are looking forward to it.

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