Monday, November 28, 2022


On Wednesday, June 21st at 8:23 P.M. our Scarlett Hannah was born into this world weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces. After weeks of bedrest I was so excited to get her out of my tummy. My due date was July 2nd. I had felt great all day and we were feeding the missionaries that night. I was so excited to eat Cajun Pasta and Ding Dong cake. I had been craving it all week and couldn't wait! So we had the missionaries scheduled to come at 5:00 that night and after months of me not being able to cook, I insisted that I cook it and would not let Sherrie! She had been staying with us for the past month and had done more than enough. So I started prepping dinner around 3:30 and by 4:00 I started having contractions every 5 minutes. This wasn't my first rodeo though and I wanted to go to the hospital on a full stomach and not be stuck with hospital food that wouldn't be nearly as good as my favorite meal. So I was cooking and Sherrie had been out and about for the day. She got home and I had been having steady contractions for a while, but didn't want to tell her, because she would have made me stop and go to the hospital. So I stood there and listened as she told me all about her day and would just bear over in pain every few minutes, but try to hide it, so she wouldn't make me stop. Then about 20 minutes after she got home, it became very obvious to her, when she saw me wincing in pain that I was in labor. I told her not to panic and I was going to finish the meal and eat before we headed to the hospital and not to tell David yet. She agreed and let me finish the dinner. We had Trish come over to watch the kids and I ate my meal and then went to the hospital. I was totally fine. I didn't even have Scarlett until about 2 and 1/2 hours after I got to the hospital. Plenty of time!! I could have eaten more cake. While I was at the hospital, the missionaries were eating outside the house with Trish and Sherrie, since there were no men in the house, they couldn't come in. Whoops. Was David frustrated that I waited so long to tell anyone I was in labor? Absolutely! Did it all work out? Absolutely! My doctor came in to check me around 6:30 and broke my water about an hour later and told me he had plans that night and if I could have the baby by 8:30 it would be really helpful. He was pleasantly surprised, when I met his expectations. She was healthy as could be and just the sweetest baby. Her siblings came the next day to meet her, since it was so late, when she was born. They just couldn't get enough of her. 

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