Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our Date Night!

Last weekend David and I went to Lagoon with some friends. It's an amusement park about 30 minutes from us. We had a great time. Trish watched the kids for us, so we could do whatever we wanted! It was nice to actually be able to ride the rides and do whatever we wanted without kids getting tired and ready to go home. The rides are pretty good. Nothing really compared to Silver Dollar City or Six Flags, but it was still way fun. It was the perfect temperature too. Next year we will have to take the kids. They have a really good size kid's area with rides that David would LOVE! So if anyone ever visits us next year, we can go let the kids wear themselves out there!! No pressure, but we are always up for some visitors!!:)
I can't believe it is already November. We have been in Utah for 1 full year. Some days it feels like we have been here FOREVER!!! But most days I can't believe we have been here a year already. I think it has helped that I've had a great husband that has sent me home to visit every 3 months just about!:) Although I don't know how good it was, because every time I come back to Utah I get a little (actually a lot!) home sick. I'm not saying I don't love visiting, but it does make it that much harder to come home and not be with all our family. I was having a really difficult couple of weeks in October and I kept trying to talk David into moving back. He would just shake his head and not really say much about it ever. Pam had even come up with some bribes to get us back, like dinner once a month at Hunans, brownies every week, baby-sitting, and a few other incentives! I was convinced we should move back until I went to the temple on a particularity bad day. I went to do initiatories, which usually you are in and out in less than 25 minutes. But when I got there, they told me it would be at least a 30 minute wait. I was fine with waiting though, because it gave me an excuse to have even more time to myself. While I was waiting I sat down and started reading the scriptures. I flipped open to 2 Nephi chapter 32, where it talked all about why do you question these things in your heart and you were given the gift of the Holy Ghost and are not using it to it's full extent. I started balling, because I knew we are supposed to be here in Utah still for some reason. I felt complete peace about it and I knew we were in fact supposed to stay here indefinitely. At the same time though I felt so sad. I had convinced myself that we were supposed to move, because I wasn't really looking for an answer. It really was an amazing experience that I will never forget. The Lord had the answer for me all along, but I didn't want that answer and tried to go around it somehow! I told David about this and he agreed that we should still be here, which I know he thought the whole time, but probably didn't want to make me mad!(Smart guy!) Anyways it has been a great year here in Utah, but we are loking forward to Christmas with the family this year!


Trish said...

Don't hate me, but I think Gabby and I need y'all here too much still! I'm sure there are other reasons as well, but it really helps us having family so close. I know how hard it is being homesick, I'm glad you found some answers and comfort though. We'll have to work it so if we do move, we'll move out of Utah about the same time ;)

Bailey said...

That's fine, I will give you and Trish one more year to live in Utah, but that's it.

Oscar & Dollie said...

Jenn, we miss ya'll too much to, but we know that the Lord works in His own time and eventually (not sayin when) we'll all be togther again.
We love ya'll and just think... absence makes the heart grow fonder. (the nose too, per Oscar) I'm sure you don't miss his smellyness, nor do I, but he dearly misses ya'll. :)