Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Another Year

Me, David, and Maggie ringing in the new year at the Bailey's.

Jen, Maggie, Pam, Clare, and me.
We had a great time this New Year's Eve. We played lots of games and ate way too much good food as usual!

I can't believe it is 2009. My how time flies. We have been in Utah for about 15 months now. It has gone by pretty fast looking back now, but maybe that is because I was in Arkansas for most of it!;) Not so for this year though. After the last airplane experience with the 2 kids, I am done with traveling by myself. We had layovers on all the flights and Maggie is just not too big on sitting in one place for 5 hours. I hate the idea of not coming to Arkansas that much this year, but you gotta do what you gotta do! That just means that we will hopefully have more visitors this year to our place. We just got callings in our ward this week. David is in the scouts now with the 11 year old boys. He has never done scouts really, so I think he will enjoy it. I will be a Sunbeams teacher, which means that I will be with little David. It should be interesting. We'll see how it goes. David has started going to school 2 times a week now. Each class is 2 hours and he rides the bus. I was not big on letting him ride the bus, but all his therapists and teachers just kept saying how much the kids really do enjoy it and we only live about 3/4 of a mile away from the school. He has liked it quite a bit! It's just crazy to see him going to school all by himself, but it's what is best for him. Maggie is doing well. She just follows us around to see what she can get into. A very curious little girl and not too afraid of much. She is finally over the whole only wanting Mommy or Daddy to touch her thank goodness! She is a pro walker and loves climbing the stairs. Her and David really keep us entertained all day long. They are very funny little kids! David is still loving his job with the church and is surprisingly very busy at work these days. I am just doing what I always do. Staying home and trying not to let David and Maggie hurt each other too much! Hope everyone is doing well and has a great year!

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