Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Maggie!!!

2 years ago on December 26, 20o7 little Maggie Leigh was born in Sandy, Utah! I was on bed rest for about 2 and 1/2 weeks with her and then my doctor told me once I got to 35 weeks, which was December 25 (Christmas!) I could come off of bed rest and she could come into this world! It was our first Christmas out in Utah, so I was homesick and all I wanted was my mom's Braided Christmas Wreath. So at 5:00 a.m. I got up on Christmas morning and made my yummy bread! The only thing I asked of Maggie was that we would be able to celebrate Christmas with little David. So we had a great Christmas day with lunch at Trish's and Dinner at Grandma's. Then we got home at about 5:00 that night and I finally sat down on the couch and I was laying there for a little bit and noticed that I was having contractions. David was on the phone with his mom the whole time and after about 20 minutes of me having contractions 3-4 minutes apart I told him to get off the phone and pay attention to me!:) So we waited about another 40 minutes and since they were still coming so close we decided to head over to the hospital. We didn't call anyone because we weren't positive if they would let me stay, so we took little David with us and headed over. I was definitely in labor. It was a long night. Apparently the room was freezing cold (I couldn't tell because I was in labor!) and the chair that David was "sleeping" in was broken. And I kept waking him up with my vomiting! Rude I know! Anyways at about 7:00 the next morning my water broke and then at 8:00 the nurse told me to do some practice pushes. So I pushed one and a half times and she yelled at me to stop immediately because she saw the head. So then I had to wait until my doctor got their to be able to push. He didn't get there until 8:45 and I was cursing his name and telling the nurses we didn't need him. After about 2-3 pushes our little Maggie Pie was born at 9:00 a.m. on the dot weighing 6 pounds even at 18 and 1/2 inches long. She was tiny! Easiest birth ever! She did not have one complication even being 5 weeks early. We were home by big David's Birthday December 28th! She is such a cute little girl. Always making us laugh. Whether by her facial expressions or saying, "Paaaammm" or her saying "sit" with an "h" after the "s" She is very smart and talkative. She loves playing mommy. She got a baby alive for her birthday and it was love at first sight. She has taking that baby everywhere. Even to Chucke Cheese for her birthday! I love having her in my life and love watching her grow and learn everyday! Happy Birthday Maggie Leigh!

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