Friday, March 12, 2010

How is it Already March?!

David cheesing for the camera!
This is Maggie's pig, Hannah. She got her for Christmas from Grandma and Grandpa Torgerson and LOVES her! She named her all by herself. Pretty cute!

David and Me at Pam's Birthday Celebration!
Me, Trish and Pam

Daddy and his little Princess~

How is March already hear and almost halfway done? This year is the fastest year ever. I feel like we just had Christmas! We've all been pretty busy, which helps with time going by so fast. I am still watching Maddy and Olivia, which David and Maggie LOVE!! The 12 hours that they are apart seems like an eternity to them! They are constantly asking for Maddy and Livy. Little David also has a new thing! It is asking if he can go to Grandma's house...every single day! He saw the back of his Uncle Austin's head in a picture about 2 weeks ago and ever since then he has been adamant about asking everyday if today is the day we are going to Grandma's house. I think he knows that we are really working hard to get our money working for us and is testing us to see how committed we are to this budget! It also makes me want to work harder to earn the money through Mary Kay to help us get there faster! He is giving me the reason and the why to work hard! I have a little more than 2 months to earn my share of the money and I am scared to death! It is a lot of hard work, but according to David and a few other great up lifters, they know I can do it!! So wish me luck!! I am very excited about my mom and dad coming out in less than 3 weeks!!!!! I just can't wait for David and Mags to get to see their Grandparents! They will be so excited! What a blessing to have them coming out! Last night I was looking at some pictures of my family back in Austin and I got so sad. The last time I was in Austin was for my Grandpa's funeral last March and I can barely even remember it. I was amazingly sick at the funeral. I slept for the majority of the time because of all the medicine I was on and didn't really get any time to visit. I am hoping I will get a chance sometime soon to go to Austin and see all of my extended family. That would be awesome! So many dreams!!!
Anyways things are going great out here in Utah. I am loving the weather most days! And I love having a HUGE backyard for the kids to play in and a great house to call home! We have been blessed in so many ways out here and I am so grateful for every single one of the blessings.

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