Monday, November 19, 2012

It's a....

Her little feet were just kicking away!

She had her hands by her head and face the whole time and looked so dang cute!:)

She said cheese!
After an hour and a half of waiting at the doctor's office we finally saw that it is a GIRL!!!
What an appointment! I had my ultrasound this morning at 9:00 a.m.  We went back and looked at everything in detail! The ultrasound tech was very thorough and sweet.  We get down to see if it is a boy or a girl and the umbilical cord was between her legs and there was no way you could tell what was in between those legs!:) After 40 minutes of trying to see and even having me go to the bathroom, we still couldn't see.  So David had to go or he would be late for a meeting, so he headed out and I went to see my doctor and get checked by him. Then I went back in and after saying a little prayed it was only after a minute or so that we she spread her legs enough for us to see that she is in fact a girl...of course it could still be a boy, but I feel much more confident!:)  She was so cute during the ultrasound and just moving around like crazy. She also kept striking a pose. She was flipping and kicking and punching.  My babies are amazingly active in the womb.  I couldn't be more excited! I went to pick up Maggie and Parker from our neighbor's house and asked Maggie what she thought it was and she responded, "It's a girl of course!"  She had to get her little sister! She was so excited and commented on how cute Elizabeth looks!! I just can't wait to have another little baby to snuggle with! I am so excited and can't stop smiling knowing that we have another little baby on her way in the next few months! Too fun!
I am almost 21 weeks along and I feel great! This is my favorite time of pregnancy for sure.  I can eat pretty much whatever, without getting sick and I am not so big that it is uncomfortable all the time! I also love feeling her move around in there and not having to feel the pain of kicking ribs or pushing on my bladder :) I started my progesterone shots last week and only have15 more to go...but who's counting?? Baha!  I was finally pretty much over the excessive tired part until last week and then after the shot, I took a 2 hour nap and then went to bed at 8:30 that night. Good times! We will see if I have to do bed rest with little Elizabeth or not. I am anxious to find out. :) It will be great if I don't, but we have started preparing for if I do. 
David was able to feel her move last night for the first time.  My babies usually stop whatever they are doing, when they know that David is trying to feel them move, so we will see with this one!
We are just so excited to have another girl and a sister for Maggie. Hopefully they will be as close as I am with my sisters!:)  Everyone needs a sister.  Can't wait to meet you little Elizabeth!! (Fingers crossed!)

1 comment:

Alice-Anne said...

Yay! So happy for you! And glad you feel confident in your tech's evalution. :) Yes, every girl needs a sister. I love how ultrasounds make it so much more REAL. Crossing my fingers you won't have to have bedrest, too!