Saturday, December 15, 2012

12 Days of Christmas

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This year I decided to do a couple of things for the family.  One, I decided to do the 12 days of Christmas for David! Everyday he gets a special present from me! I have been planning this for a while and put a lot of time into it and each day I am as excited as he is to have him open it. 

The other thing we are doing is the 12 days of Christmas for the kids. Each day they open a present and it is a piece to go with the Nativity scene.  We have the kids open a present and then we talk about the piece of the nativity and how they were apart of Jesus’ birthday.  I like trying to get the kids attention on Jesus and why we celebrate Christmas.  I love how the kids are old enough to have fun with the traditions and be apart of Christmas so much.  Maggie and David are always walking around singing a Christmas song! I love it. Parker is always saying “ho,ho, ho!” So Cute.

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