Monday, September 23, 2013

First Day of Kindergarten



Maggie was so excited to start kindergarten and it was very hard waiting the week and a half after David started for he to go.  She has been waiting for this day for a good year now and couldn’t believe it was finally here.  Her teacher is Mrs. Mccarty and she seems like a sweet teacher.  I walked her to her drop off the first day and watched her walk into class.  She waved bye and walked in acting so big.  Kindergarten only has half days and she got the morning one from 8:45-11:25 which has been so nice. I mean I would love if she was in full day for sure, but of the 2 the morning has been really nice just having 2 kids at home.  She is still loving school and has already learned so much in such a short time.  Thank goodness for school and amazing teachers.  It is great seeing Maggie learn and have so much to look forward to. She really is a sweet little girl! The poor girl has to put up with a lot having Parker as a little brother.  She kind of gets the short end of the stick most of the time, but like we tell her someday Parker will have Lizzy bugging him just like he bugs her. That seems to help her.Smile  So excited to have my little Maggie in kindergarten, but she sure is growing up too fast most days!!

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