Thursday, July 31, 2014

4th of July

P1070163P1070166P1070169P1030990P1030992Alice-Anne, I stole these from your post. I hope you don’t mind. Winking smile

We had a great 4th of July this year.  This was our first time in 6 years that we haven’t had any family whatsoever with us to celebrate, so we invited our friends over. It was a last minute get together, but it was so much fun. They all thought that I was crazy to have only been home from Arkansas for 5 days and have this many people over, but I told them we were just excited to have so many great friends here to celebrate with and they should consider themselves lucky to make the cut! Winking smile  We did barbeque sandwiches and hot dogs and then everyone else brought lots of yummy sides and desserts.  It was so dang hot that day! The kids braved the heat though and played outside most of the time. Luckily it cooled down later in the evening and we were lucky enough to watch the kids do a talent show on the trampoline. It was entertaining for sure! We had the Timpsons, Wiggins, Wallaces, Johns and some of their friends, Clint and Natalie, and their cute little family visiting them for the week. David and Clint got along amazingly, since they both talked computer. David was in heaven. We had 16 kids there total including 2 teenagers and 10 adults. I am always amazed how many people we can cram into our cramped kitchen/dining room. 

We feel so lucky to have made so many great friends in our ward.  They really are like family.  It has been 5 years that we have been in this house now and I couldn’t be happier. I go through phases thinking that I want to move into a bigger and newer house that isn’t right on the street, but every time I think about moving I think about what we would be leaving behind and it doesn’t take long for me to change my mind.  Heavenly Father definitely knows where we need to be and has blessed us in so many ways! I never thought we would be in Utah coming up on 7 years, but I truly do love it out here and will be sad someday, when the time comes to say good-bye.  That day isn’t happening anytime soon, but when it does just know it will be hard. Smile

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