Thursday, July 31, 2014

Austin’s Mission Call and more


David’s little brother, Austin, who just graduated in May from high school also got his mission call for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Saturday, June 14th and so sweetly waited until Sunday (Father’s Day) to have everyone over to open it.  It was so neat to be there for that and we were all so excited for him.  We all thought for sure he would be going somewhere far away in another country. We were surprised to find out that he would be going to Las Vegas, Nevada! He was told to report to the MTC (Missionary Training Center) on Wednesday July 23rd.  That was just a short 5 weeks away!   Sherrie’s face was priceless, when he said the date he would need  to be at the MTC.  So then the craziness began, with them trying to get things done and ready for him to leave on a 2 year mission for the church.  While he is on the mission, he is not allowed to watch t.v., listen to music (except church music), talk to or see family/friends except on Mother’s Day and Christmas.  He completely devotes all his time to the Lord and helping people find a testimony and be baptized.  It is a huge sacrifice, especially now that the boys are only 18, when they leave on their mission. They put schooling, friends, family and everything else behind them for 2 years and put the Lord first.  Austin was excepted into 2 great colleges and happily told them he would be going on a mission. 

Before he could go on a mission he had to go to the temple of our church and get his temple work done, which is him making special ordinances.  We were so glad that we could be there with Austin for such a special thing. Giselle and Genevieve were also able to make it there for it, so Austin had his siblings there with him, which is so special.  It is such a mix of emotions the first time you go to the temple.  Austin was amazing though and we were all so proud of him. 

Then just 3 short weeks later, Austin, Sherrie and Dave packed up and headed out here to Utah to take Austin to the MTC.  He had to meet with the Stake President before he could leave and be set apart as a missionary and the Stake President was out of town until Friday night at about midnight. So at 1:00 the amazing man, met with Austin and made him an official missionary! We were all so grateful that he did that for Austin, so they could make it out here to Utah sooner.  They got here on Sunday evening around 6:00 and we had until Wednesday with him.  On Monday they spent the day visiting David’s grandma and Grandpa Torgerson and Aunt and Uncle Turnbull and all their kids.  They also got all of the other things he needed for his mission.  He had to pack everything he needed for the next 2 years into 2 suitcases. Crazy stuff!! On Tuesday (which was also mine and David’s 10 year anniversary) Austin spent most of the day studying and then that afternoon at 3:00 we got a baby-sitter for the little kids and went to the temple to do Sealings. We had some family names to do and it was a great way to spend our anniversary! After that we went to eat for some delicious steak and then went back to our house. I made a little video for Austin with pictures of him growing up and little videos of all of the siblings and parents saying good-bye to him.  We were all in tears by the end of the video. It was so sweet to hear what everyone had to say to him.  That night it was hard for Mama T. to sleep and the other two for that fact! By 10:00 the next morning they were all packed and ready to leave. We went and took pictures in the front yard with everyone and we said our good-byes to him for the last time for next 2 years.  Then Sherrie, Dave, and Austin headed off to pick up David from work and go to Provo to have some lunch and just talk before dropping Austin off at 1:30. I stayed home with the kids. I knew that they didn’t need the kids distracting from the last few hours with their baby boy! David said that Austin was very talkative and cracking jokes, up until the end of lunch and then I think it hit him that he was about to leave for 2 years.  He got very quiet.  The went to the MTC and pulled up. An Elder came and greeted Austin (Elder Torgerson) and told him to tell his family good by and give hugs to his mom and dad. Then less then 5 minutes after getting there Sherrie, Dave and David drove off without Austin. 

They went and dropped David back off at work and then headed back to our house.  We had gone out to print off some pictures for them of the last few weeks with Austin to give to them. Poor Sherrie was so sad and for good reason! For the past 34 years she has been a mom and had children at her home with no time to think of herself and now here she is with all of her kids grown up and on their own.  She was doing amazing considering what she was going through.  She is truly amazing!


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I am so proud of Austin for the choices he has made to lead up to this and how much he has matured in the past few weeks even. I remember meeting him, when he was just a little 8 year old. He was always so shy and quiet around me and it wasn’t until this past year that I saw his personality come shining through and how much he has grown up.  He is going to be such a great missionary and leader to those around him. He has a strong testimony and is going to be great at helping others gain one too.  We are going to miss him so much and it will be so weird without him, but we couldn’t be more proud. Little David has always looked up to him and I couldn’t think of a better person to follow. Smile

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