Monday, May 9, 2011

David's Soccer

David's team was scoring so many goals that the other team decided they needed to get some goalies! It was pretty funny!
David trying to be goalie!

David kicking the ball!

We finally got David signed up for soccer this year. It is just too bad that it has rained for 3 out of the 5 games and most of his practices. April and May in Utah are so dang rainy and sometimes snowy. 5 year old soccer is pretty entertaining. The kids just kind of run on and off the field to take breaks and they don't keep score. David's team, the Paranas, kept scoring so much, that the other team felt they needed to get some goalies to do some defense. It was so funny! I'm glad to have David in some activities. It has been good for him and he is enjoying it!

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