Friday, December 16, 2011

8 Months Old!!




8 months old already! Where has the time gone?! Parker has changed so much in this short amount of time.  He is all over the place and crawls like a pro! He loves to stand up on his feet and hands and put his booty in the air!:) He loves playing on the floor and playing with David and Maggie.  He starts crying anytime mommy or daddy leaves the room.  He loves hanging out with Daddy now…thank goodness!:)  He likes watching him play video games or just crawling all over us on the couch.  He loves to eat and wants anything that we have including hot or spicy stuff.  He loves to give big hugs and slobbery kisses.  He is already fitting into 12-18 month clothes, which is crazy! He loves taking baths with Maggie!  He waves bye-bye and even says it sometimes. He loves shaking his head no and dancing.  He loves listening to music and loves having us sing to him.  He got his first ear infection last week. Poor little guy.  He pulls himself up on everything.  He loves to babble and hear himself talk.  He has gotten a lot happier in the past month or two.  He is a sweet little baby and we love having him in our family! Happy 8 months Parker Scott!

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