Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Late NIght Bowling

Last month our Bishopric in our ward got released after 5 years of service. We were very sad to see them be released. They were so good with the youth and the kids really loved spending time with them.  So Bishop Gerber wanted to do one last all nighter with all the youth.  So on Monday night at 10:00 p.m. we all met at the church and headed to the bowling alley.  We have never had such a great turn out from the youth. We were debating about whether to move Wednesday mutual to 10:00 instead of 7:00, so we could get a better number!:)  We all had a great time bowling and trying to keep up with the Bishop and his counselors. They were pretty good bowlers.  I was not able to bowl that night because my back was out.  I had fun watching and talking to everyone though.  Then after bowling we headed over to Denny's for a "snack."  After that we thought we were done until Bishop said we should go and play some Dutchball at the church.  We Young Women leaders were already having trouble keeping our eyes open, but we did it anyways.  So we went back to the church and were waiting for them to bring the ball to start playing.  I was sitting on the stage minding my own business, when all of a sudden I got slammed in the face with a deflatted, yet very powerful ball. My neck went to the other side and I knew the next day was going to be fun. :)  By 3:30 a.m. I finally decided I had enough and luckily we all went home for a few hours of sleep.  It was a really fun night and helped me realize how old I am getting. :(

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