Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Maggie Turns 5


Maggie is the big 5 this year! It was a very low key birthday like she wanted.  I guess that is one advantage to her having a birthday the day after Christmas.  So I had the kids for our co-op preschool the week before Christmas and we had a little celebration for Maggie with cupcakes and all! They all had a great time.  Then on her birthday her and I went to Target to do some shopping.  She picked out a Cinderella Music player with a microphone, a new baby and a Cinderella barbie! She loves shopping and was so excited to just have the 2 of us go and her get to pick out whatever she wanted! I was happy because it was the day after Christmas and everything was on clearance! Win, win!! Then she was in her room playing for the whole day with all of her new toys.  That night she got to pick dinner, so we went to McDonald’s. The kids had the whole place to themselves to play in. Then we went home and had a rice crispy treat cake. I was glad to have something besides cake or cupcakes.  I think she had a great day and thankfully is very easy to please! We love having Maggie.  She is such a helper and a little mom for us.  She is so excited to go to kindergarten and be a big girl.  Even with all the drama a little girl can bring, she is such a great girl.  Five years have flown by so fast!

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Look at what a sweet baby she was so long ago! Happy Birthday Maggie!

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