Saturday, March 16, 2013





The past week has been so nice outside. The kids have loved being able to play outside again.  They just can’t get enough playtime out there.  We hadn’t seen the ground in the backyard since December.  It was the best day, when we went outside and actually saw the grass.  It has even hit the 70s this week and has been amazing. I love spring. It’s too bad I have been neglecting my camera so much these days and haven’t gotten more pictures of the kids.  Parker was hilarious for a couple of days.  I bought he a new pair of Elmo socks and he insisted on wearing them as gloves all day and would not take them off for anything. It was hilarious!  Then Maggie one night was asking about my wedding dress, so I got it out to show it to her and she loved walking around in my veil and a pair of my high heels.  She does an amazing job walking around in 4 inch heels!  That’s my girl.  Not much else going on these days.  Just waiting everyday for this baby to get here.  These last few weeks are my least favorite in pregnancy. Just a guessing game and a waiting game wondering when and if this child will ever come!  It is so not fair that I have to go weeks with having having a contraction any time I move and then once 37 weeks hit nothing.  Well except all of the intense pain that comes with getting my body ready for labor, but not leading to anything soon enough.  I am so done with this.  Hopefully just another week and a half left until I can get back to my old self and actually be able to do things again! Keep your fingers crossed that this baby gets here sooner than later!

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