Saturday, March 16, 2013

Stuff for Elizabeth


Trish threw me a little girl’s night out/baby shower for me a couple of weeks ago. It was great! We just went out to Chili’s and had dinner and then went to my place for some Coldstone cake.  Everyone got me the cutest stuff! Elizabeth will be very well dressed! I do love dressing up little baby girls!


Then this past Wednesday I was finally able to go to mutual and was so excited to see all the girls again. Sadly they had planned a whole night to make things for Elizabeth and I kind of ruined the surprise by being there!  The girls did an awesome job making shirts, bibs, bows and tutus for this little girls. Clearly she is already spoiled!


This is Elizabeth’s stocking  for Christmas. I went ahead and ordered it from Amazon while I was on bed rest and started it, since I figure once she is here I won’t have nearly as much free time for crafts. I forgot how many hours it takes to make these stockings, but look how cute! The second picture is the nursing cover that I made.  It was way easy to do and turned out pretty good I think!Smile I just couldn’t find any that I liked, so there you go! Then I made the carrier cover. 

And this is what I have been doing to keep my mind off of being pregnant…hasn’t worked as well as I had hoped!Smile Can you tell I have had some free time to kill?!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Again, I love that you are naming her Elizabeth. It is my and Jack's all time favorite girl's name (it is Elly's full name).