Sunday, March 27, 2016

Family Home Evening Challenge

In 2015 our Bishop of our old ward challenged all the families in the ward to improve their Family Home Evening and make personal goals with our family on being consistent with them. Our family made it a goal to have it each week no matter what and if we did our family would get a prize. Dad (David) suggested they could each get money if we did it and I suggested we could go to Red Robin and they could get anything they wanted including Root beer floats! They unanimously voted for Red Robin...what can I say we are blessed with food loving and easy to please kids!! So even after a year with a move, a new baby and mom on bed rest, we did it!!! We didn't miss a single week and it really was amazing. They kids were awesome at making it a priority for all of us.  We stuck to it and had a chart where they each got to take turns putting a sticker on each week that we did it. They loved when their turn rolled around for sure. It was such an inspired challenge from our Bishop and we are so grateful for how it helped our little family.

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