Sunday, March 27, 2016

January 2016

 We had so much snow in December and January that as soon as it was about 35 degrees our kids were out taking advantage of the "warm" The snow had just finally melted enough that day to see the ground after about a month of so much snow and then by that afternoon, it was covered again.
David had a school program that we got to go and watch. They played their recorders for us and told us all about the history of Utah. It was...interesting for sure! ;) 
 Look at the pretty girl. She really is a sweety!
 Pierce was loving having attention from Aunt Trish and Dee-dah

                                                              Borther time!

January came and went so darn fast. We had a really rough winter out in Utah and it was a rare occasion to see the sun. I think we all felt the effect of it.  P.J. had been dealing with a cold for a few days back in January and then he starting wheezing and having a hard time with his breathing. So on Saturday, January 23rd I took him to the emergency room and they admitted him for RSV.  I had been through this with Maggie and David both when they were each about 2 months old, but I did not want another RSV baby. I gave in and I got there at about 10 that night and we were in our room by about 3:00 in the morning. I think I slept about an hour total that first night. It was horrible. They had him hooked up to oxygen, a feeding tube and an I.V. plus the monitors. Poor little guy looked horrible and pitiful. I felt so bad for him. It was so up and down those first couple of days and I was an emotional wreck. I was going on no sleep and watching my baby boy in so much pain and discomfort. It was so hard. I knew he would be okay, but it was still horrifying. He was a little fighter though. They finally started noticing that anytime that they had the oxygen thing in his nose his heart rate and all the levels would rise, because he was so stressed out by them. So one of the doctors finally said, "Well he can't get much worse, I say we try taking all that off of him and see how he reacts to it and if he doesn't get better then we can put them back on." I was so relieved. So we took the IV and the oxygen off of him and his stats immediately improved! It was a miracle. She said she had never seen that happen before and was truly amazed by it and that he knew exactly what he wanted and wasn't going to stand for anything else! So true!!! That Saturday we would be baptizing Maggie and she and I were both concerned that I would still be in the hospital with Pierce. She called me one day and said, "I hope you can make it to my baptism on Saturday or will you have to stay with Pierce at the hospital?" I told her no matter what I would make it to her baptism and she seemed satisfied with that answer.  Poor girl! After 3 nights and 4 long days in the hospital we were finally able to come home.  I had only left his side for an hour or so to get clothes and things from home and while David was at home with the other kids, he was dealing with a throw up bug that was going around. Truth be told, I think I got the better part of the deal. I had those three days to totally dote on PJ and catch up on a few things, since he was doing so much sleeping and I had nothing but time. Also, those fold out beds at the hospital really are horrible!! Between a bad bed, the monitors that would go off and the nurses coming in out to check on him, it was a restless sleep to say the least and I was so glad to get home to my own bed with PJ on Tuesday night, when they released us and said he would still be sick for another couple of weeks, but he had gotten past the worst of it. It was just so sad to be so helpless seeing your baby in so much pain. I really do hate it. Luckily he is recovered now and doing great. He is a real trooper. I am pretty sure he had actually been sick since a little bit past his blessing back in December. We had all caught this bug that was going around including him and looking back I don't think he ever was 100 percent from that time until he got RSV. It made January an interesting month especially considering we had both of our parents coming out for Maggie's baptism that week and I was stuck at the hospital. I got home on Tuesday night around 8:00 and then David's parents got into town the next day. My parents drove out and got here on Friday evening. Poor things had gone through Wyoming, which is a big no-no from November to March. They got stuck in a storm and I-80 was closed! They stopped at a hotel somewhere in Wyoming and were only about 4 hours away. They had quite the adventure. They were all so sweet and wouldn't let me cook or lift a finger after the week I had with PJ. Thank goodness for amazing family. Oh and we have the greatest friends. They brought David and the kids dinner Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. We are truly blessed. We were so ready to welcome February though!!

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