Sunday, March 27, 2016

Maggie's Baptism

Maggie turned 8 on December 26, 2015 and originally we had planned on baptising her on that first Saturday in January. Until David and I both came home from Church one day and said we thought we should wait until the end of January.  It just made so much more since and I was so overwhelmed from Christmas, Decemeber birthdays and a newborn, who had been sick. It worked out so nicely. Both my parents and the Torgersons were able to come out for it and we felt so blessed because of that. My mom and Dad drove and had quite the experience and then they were here for only about 36 hours total before heading out Sunday morning. The Torgersons flew out, but we barely saw them and it was just so busy the whole time.  But luckily everyone made it and we had a snowy morning that Saturday morning.  We went to the church and got her ready about 9:00 the morning. The whole family headed over too and then we started at 9:30. Maggie was sharing her baptism day with one other little girl in our ward. It was such a sweet spirit that day. We had a couple of youth speakers talk about the Holy Ghost and baptism and we sang I like to Look for Rainbows. The Bishop said a few words and they were baptized and confirmed members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She had a sweet blessing and in it she was told to write down how she felt in her journal and to write all the special things about that day. We are so lucky to have such a sweet little girl. She couldn't wait to be baptized and the day was even better than she had hoped for.  She has such a sweet spirit and already has such a strong testimony of the gospel. We are so proud of the decision she made to become a member of this church.

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