Thursday, March 17, 2011

New TV

And Chairs!:) David found these chairs online for free and he just had to have them! He was pretty excited about them! They are very nice, but I am still more excited about the TV!:)
Finally, after sooo many years of having our amazingly heavy 250 pound TV we have upgraded to a beautiful (and light) new TV!!
We have been wanting a new TV for the living room for a while now, but so many things came before it! But after years and years of waiting, we finally came into the 21st century! It feels good! We were planning on waiting until our next paycheck to get a TV. David had the one he wanted all picked out, but then he decided to just stop by Best Buy last night and found this for an amazing deal that we just couldn't pass up! We did not get a stand for it yet, so it looks kind of ghetto on our ugly entertainment center! It looks pretty funny so high up! The kids were pretty excited about it too.
David also got some new chairs for us for free. He loves looking for free stuff or great deals on this local news website!
In other news, I am 35 weeks along today!!!!! Which is so dang exciting, because I am that much closer to getting this child out of me. I am so done being pregnant. I think it is the fact that I have just been laying around for 90% of the time for the past 9 weeks and I have had nothing else to think about except all the little pains and discomforts of pregnancy. I have my check up next Monday, so we will see where I am at with everything. I am just so anxious and excited and impatient. At least I have a lot of distractions this coming week to keep my occupied! Wish me luck!!:)

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