Sunday, March 6, 2011

Our New Van

These were the best shots I could get right now! I didn't feel like driving it outside!:)
After almost 7 years of marriage, almost 2 years with only one car and after 2 kids with one on the way, it has finally happened...we got a new VAN!!! I have been wanting a van for a couple of years now. I am all for the convenience and don't care that I am a minivan mom! If that is what I have to be to have a nice spacious car where all you have to do is push a button to get the doors open for the kids, then I am just fine with that! David and I have been saving for a few months for this little investment of ours and have spent hours online and at different car dealers before deciding on this one. It just seemed perfect for us and the kids are sooooo excited about the "magical car" that opens magically!! They especially love the color and they keep informing everyone (especially Dad) that it is Mommy's car and not Daddy's! They say that Daddy has the little car! It is sad because I am not really able to drive it too much, since I am supposed to be laying down most of the day, but I did take the kids to put some gas in it and they were just so excited. It was pretty cute! We bought it last Thursday night. We saw an add online for it and decided we might as well go and look at it. I really was not thinking that we would be driving a new car home, but we did and it felt great! It was also exciting that we paid cash for it. I love that I can say that and that we won't be paying thousands of dollars of interest on it! And now that we have my van, we can start focusing on saving for more fun things, like a new swing set for my sweet little kids and trips to Arkansas to show off little Elizabeth! I don't know if you can tell, but I am just a little excited these days about having 2 cars!!


Danielle said...

Jack and I want to pay cash for cars in the future. We hate having payments and interest. Saving for it is going to take more discipline than we are used to, but it must be such a rewarding feeling in the end. That is cute that your kids love their magic car.

Jen T. said...

Yes, we did Dave Ramsey last year to get out of debt and he also helped us realize how much money you throw away, when paying interest for a car and we made a goal to save up for it instead! It feels so good to know that it is ours!! And once we started saving for it and seeing the numbers get higher, it was not as hard as I thought it would be. For just a few months of really pinching and saving, it is well worth it!!

Julie and KC said...

Good for you guys! We are eventually going to have to upgrade to a van too. KC's not so excited but I am for the extra room!! I can't believe how big your kids are especially Maggie! Our girls are growing up so fast! Btw, I love what you guys are doing to your house. That's so fun. Hopefully, this summer we can get to our projects too!

Jen T. said...

Julie, yes I was definitely more excited than David to get the van! I love all the space and it is crazy that our girls our 3 years old!! How fast time goes. It is fun doing all these home improvements. It took us a couple of years to get to them, but it is worth the wait!:)