Thursday, March 24, 2011

Biscuit's Haircut!!

Biscuit got his first hair cut today and he looks completely different! He is still as cute as can be, but a new kind of cute!:) The kids were excited to see him and love his new do. The groomers said that he was one of the best dogs they have ever worked with! The kids also wanted to go and pick him up with me because they had little baby chicks at the store and the kids just loved looking at them. In baby news I am almost positive she will be here in just a few days at the most and I will not miss being pregnant!:)


jennifer rogers said...

I'm excited for you to see that new little baby! it seems like everyone I know is or has just had a baby! I'm glad it's you and not me:) good luck with the new one and I can't wait to see a picture of her!

Jen T. said...

Thanks! I think everyone is pregnant. There are like 9 pregnant in my ward right now that are all due within a couple of months of each other! Something in the water!:) I can't wait until she is here and there will definitely be pictures as soon as she makes her debut!