Monday, July 11, 2011

Name This Baby!

Take a guess who this is....any takers?! Everyone who sees this says it is Parker and that I have just done some editing on it. Wrong! This is a picture of my dad! Parker's Grandpa DeVaux. Crazy huh? I saw this picture of my Dad when I was in Arkansas at my parents house and couldn't believe how similar Parker and Dad look. It really is amazing and fun to finally have a child with a little DeVaux in them!:)
And isn't it also funny how Dad has that hair line yet again?!:)


jennifer rogers said...

that's crazy how much they look alike! I recently found picture of my mom when she was a baby and Anna looks just like her! Let's just hope Parker doesn't act like your dad :)

Jen T. said...

I know! It's fun to see similarities in the kids to their grandparents! And yes we all hope that Parker doesn't act like Dad!:}