Thursday, October 13, 2011

6 Months!!

Parker Scott is 6 months old!! How did this happen?? It has flown by so fast! Parker has gotten to be a pretty good baby.  He has mellowed out a lot now that he can do more things on his own.  He is eating solid foods like a pro and always wants a bite of anything we have.  He reaches for everything and it instantly goes in the mouth.  He has been sitting without falling for the past 3 weeks.  He laughs at everything Maggie and David do. He said, "Mama" last Saturday morning, when he saw me.  He says "babababa" and has said "dada" a couple of times.  He has gotten into the screaming phase, where he screams really loud when he is excited.  He rolls like a pro, but doesn't like laying.  He prefers sitting.  He sleeps in his bed no problem and can get himself to sleep after little or no crying...except in the middle of the night.  He still wakes up quite a bit during the night.  He still loves his exersaucer and has not been in his swing for about a month and a half.  He rubs his ears a lot as a comfort and sometimes sucks on his fingers.  He is a big flirt and will look at anyone until they acknowledge him and give him a smile back.  He is getting better at being away from Mommy, but not for too long still. He loves to snack on bread and the little baby puff things, which helps when Mommy is away.
Parker weighs 18 pounds 5 Ounces and is 25 & 1/2 inches.  He is in the 75th percentile for weight and the 25th percentile for he is short and fat right now!:) The doctor said he is right on schedule for everything and is perfectly healthy! He got 4 shots and was pretty sad the whole day and night after them.  We love having our little baby boy and love watching him grow and change everyday. 

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