Thursday, October 13, 2011

Deeda and Grandpa's Visit

 Mom reading stories to the grandkids!

We are so lucky to have Mom and Dad come out almost every April and October to visit us...and to go to General Conference!:)  It is just for a few days, but the kids love every minute of it!  There is always a ton of food (mostly made by Mom!) and a lot of laughing.  Most of the laughing is at Gabe, which we know he loves.  We always enjoy going downtown to the conference center to listen to the Prophet and Apostles speak to us and it is always so uplifting.  This time Mom and Dad invited an old family friend of theirs, Marjo, to conference with them and it was great to meet her and hear some funny stories about Mom and Dad.  Then we had Ashlee Weber go with us to Sunday Conference and had a great time as well! 6 months never comes fast enough until the next conference! I am very excited about next conference, because we will be celebrating Parker's first birthday! It works out perfect that Mom and Dad will be able to be here for it, so it will be close to the huge 1st birthdays Maggie and David had.  Thanks Mom and Dad for coming out to see all your Utah family.  We always enjoy the visits with y'all and are anxious for the next one!

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