Wednesday, January 18, 2012

9 Months

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9 months have flown by so fast.  Where has the time gone??  Look how much he has changed and how dang cute he still is!:)  He is crawling around like a pro. He is also pulling himself up and then when he lets go he can stand up on his own for about 30 seconds.  He is cruising really well.  He is saying “bye-bye” and just last night started saying “dada” it is just so cute!:)  He loves to eat.  He will not eat baby food anymore.  Only big people food.  He is doing well at napping. He usually has 2 naps a day about an hour and a half to 2 hours each.  If only he slept at night…he has amazing nights and then horrible nights.  I am seeing his top 2 teeth pop through just barely which explains why he has not slept well for the past week or so.  Oh how I love waking up every couple of hours. Oh no wait I don’t , I am just so sleep deprived. :)  The poor baby.  He is really amazing at getting himself to sleep.  We lay him in his bed and he grabs his sea horse and turns it on then talks for a few minutes.  Once all these teeth are in and he is not in pain I think that he will be a great little sleeper!:)  Pray for me if he is not.  He has some cute little habits.  When we go and get him out of his crib after his nap or something and we and holding him, he just scratches his little tummy about 3 times.  When he is getting sleepy he starts scratching the back of his head and his left ear.  He loves to throw anything and everything.  He will throw it and then go and run after it.  He loves to fight with Biscuit and take all of his toys.  He is such a sweet baby…a little high maintenance at times, but sweet and funny! I got his stats today and to my surprise he is small for his age...He is 19 pounds 3 ounces (25%), 27 1/2 inches (20%) and his head is in the 30 percentile.  I have never had a kids in the below average. The other 2 were always anywhere from average to way above average.:) The doctor was also very impressed, when he saw Parker throw his sippy cup such a great distance and said kids usually don't throw until about 15 months.  So Parker is very healthy and very advanced in his throwing skills!:)

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