Thursday, January 19, 2012


 These are the sandwiches Maggie made for her Daddy for him to take to work for lunch.
Maggie Leigh is one of a kind!  We had her 4 year check up today.  She passed her hearing and vision tests with flying colors.  She is the best at the doctor's office.  The nurses and doctors always comment on how good she acts and how brave she is with everything.  She got 4 shots today and did not shed one tear.  The nurse was so impressed that she went and got her a book to take home as a special prize.  What a big girl! Maggie's stats: Weight 35 pounds (45%) and 40 inches (50%).  Just perfect height and weight for her age!  She is like a 2nd little mommy around here, which can be good and bad.  Good when she helps out with things, not so good when she tries to discipline David.:)  For the past couple of weeks she has really been into making lunches or special treats for Daddy to take to work.  She usually makes him peanut butter and jelly and puts them in plastic baggies.  I walked her through the first couple of sandwiches, but after that she just does it all on her own including putting everything away after she is done.  It is the sweetest thing!  She is such a sweet girl, even with the emotional roller coaster that she is some days!:)

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