Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Oh look at my special little kid!:)  He LOVES making people laugh. So he kept putting these goggles on.  So dang funny! Poor little guy has his molars coming in and he is in pain with them.  He has about 9 teeth that have either cut through or are almost poking through.  He had a mild fever the past couple of days, a runny nose and has been taking 2 naps a day, which is very different for him!  David gave an amazing talk in church on Sunday, which meant that I was alone with the three kids for 75 minutes, but who was counting.  Parker got especially mad during part of David's talk, so I went to take him out and one of my sweet friends came and took Parker from me, so that I could go and listen to David's talk.  I loved those 20 minutes dearly.  Then David decided to take Parker home and he slept until the rest of us got home a couple of hours later.   The good news is that starting in 2 weeks Parker is in nursery. I could not be more excited!  I am praying that he will like it in there.  I could use a 2 hour break from him.  Just a little angel!:)

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