Friday, April 26, 2013

2 year olds…


What can I say about 2 year olds…what a handful!! The first picture is of half of the mess Parker made a couple of days ago.  A huge Sam’s Club bag full of Goldfish spilt all over the floor in 2 different spots.  If I took a picture of every mess that this child makes on a daily basis I would have no space on my phone for anything else.  Today he learned how to open the vacuum filter and spilt that all over the floor.  It never fails that when I am feeding Elizabeth I will hear a chair being pushed across the kitchen floor upstairs and I get scared of what he is getting into now.  Today I also found that he got into the homemade bread that I made yesterday and ate it in his room. The crumbs were a dead give away! A couple of nights ago I found him in his room with a big bag of chips, a hot dog and a plate full of Cheetos. I looked at him, he looked at me and just gave a look like, “your are welcome! I found myself a snack!” He knows how to open doors now, which is great because he can go in and out to the backyard when he feels like it, but it is not great because he can now open the pantry and help himself to whatever snack he wants and the laundry room. We keep a lot of food in the laundry room as well.  He is talking like crazy these days and repeats everything we say.  He is just so dang entertaining and looks at you with those big blue eyes and you just can’t help but smile at him.  He is a character.  Oh 2 year olds!!! The sad thing is this isn’t even half of what he does in one 12 hour day. It’s a good thing he is so dang cute and funny! 

1 comment:

Alice-Anne said...

2 year olds! Yes...can I relate! I am exhausted just reading this. And I think it's hard enough having my youngest be do you do it with a baby?! (I guess you have to be okay with more messes, huh?)