Friday, April 26, 2013

Elizabeth Paige’s Blessing


Cute cousins Lincoln and Lizzy

We got to do Elizabeth’s baby blessing on Sunday April 14th. It was a last minute decision to do it, while Sherrie was still in town.  We called up the relatives in town on Saturday and on Sunday we got to here the sweet words of her blessing. It was very different from the other kid’s blessings.  We usually have a ton of family and friends over to help us celebrate, but this was so last minute that it was just the family.  She didn’t make a peep the whole Sacrament and blessing.  She of course is wearing the dress that I wore, when I was a baby and had my blessing.  Maggie wore it as well for hers.  I love having it to pass it on to all my girls. 

It was such a great day! Sacrament meeting was so uplifting.  Her blessing talked a lot about Elizabeth’s love and compassion for others.  It also said she would have a lot of patience.  It was just the sweetest blessing and very moving.  We are so glad to have her in our family and it amazes me how early their personalities shine through.

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